
A Quiet Place

I was going to post something that I've been meaning to post for a while. But after yesterday, I just don't have it in me. Having a blog doesn't seem to really matter now. Yesterday, my daughter started choking on a pine nut and had what seemed to be an allergic reaction at the same time [hives]. A 911 call and hospital visit later, she appeared to be fine. We also took her to our pediatrician for a triple check. Nothing invasive needed to be done nor did she need any medication, thankfully. Her body, essential, knew what to do. Get it out.

Life events like those make you appreciate everything so much more. Warm sun on your face, a nice meal, the support of friends and family. So that is where I'm at I guess. Still a bit stunned and knocked off my feet. Having children really, truly means that your heart is no longer yours.

"The central struggle of parenthood is to let our hopes for our children outweigh our fears."
-Ellen Goodman

"A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary."
-Dorothy C. Fisher (1879 - 1958), quoted in O Magazine, May 2003

"What children take from us, they give…We become people who feel more deeply, question more deeply, hurt more deeply, and love more deeply."
-Sonia Taitz, O Magazine, May 2003


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